Happy Sterile Processing Week! This week is dedicated to all of the hardworking sterile processing professionals tirelessly working to ensure that every surgical instrument is safe and ready for use. Every procedure. Every Time.
Each year, we take a week to recognize their hard work, but these clinical professionals are sending out thousands of instruments – 52 weeks a year. And let’s be honest, without the commitment, dedication, and expertise of the Sterile Processing pros, our operating rooms wouldn’t be able to function.
So I want to encourage all of you this week: Thank your Sterile Processing Team. Thank them for ensuring that the instruments you have on your backtable are safe to use. Thank them for the hours spent standing at sinks, washing and decontaminating the instruments that you use every day. Thank them for inspecting your instruments, and repairing any that are broken. Thank them for tolerating the extreme heat of the steam sterilizers and turning out instrument sets that are clean, sterile, and ready for your procedures.
Thank them for a job well done. We’re quick to complain, but rarely do we recognize the multitude of instruments that are on our case carts, ready and safe for patient use, and notice the hard work that it took to get them there.
From all of us in the operating room, THANK YOU Sterile Processing! We couldn’t do what we do, if you didn’t do what you do. And you do an AMAZING job!
Celebrate your Sterile Processing team this week, and every week!
Until next time,
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